Friday, July 25, 2008

Impeachment Alert

Today the House Judiciary Committee will hold hearings on Bush's Imperial Presidency. Chairman Conyers along with Speaker Pelosi have stalled Impeachment long enough. Now is the time to put the pressure on. If you are interested in bringing some measure of Justice to the Bush Regime's countless victims please call the Judiciary Committee today at 202-225-3951. Let Chairman Conyers know how you feel.

The witness lineup for today has prominent persons from Republican and Democratic sides. The most interesting for me is Rep.Walter Jones a Republican. He is the man who along with Rep. Ney(R) got the cafeterias serving Congress and Staff to change the name from French Fries to Freedom Fries. Later in 2005, Rep. Jones had a drastic turn around. He not only wants withdrawal, but knows the reasons for the American-Iraq War were based on lies. Rep. Jones represents North Carolina's 3rd District where the Marine Training center Camp Lejune is located. He was reelected after his opposition to the American-Iraq War became clear and widely known.

Another witness is Former 4 term Republican Rep. and now Libertarian Presidential Candidate Bobb Barr. Rep. Kucinich will also be there to see the facts put forward. I hope you call the House Judiciary Commitee at 202-225-3951 today, or even tommorow morning. Your voice is needed now more than ever.

Peace. It's possible.

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