Monday, April 20, 2009

I was really trying to give President Obama a chance

before I offered any severe criticism. I was going to give him a year. After all the damage that has been done by the Bush Regime, I thought it was wise. I kept silent when nomination pick after nomination pick were Major Racketeers or Employees of Corporate America. I kept silent when he signed the bailout of the Crooks who manufactured the housing crisis. However, enough is enough.

It is clear that the Bush Regime authorized, in writing, Torture. It is time for a full investigation and prosecution. NOW!

Mr. President, I did not campaign, donate and vote for you to ignore the ugliness of it all. I did all that because I believed that there was a fair chance that you could be a President who we would be all proud of. Instead, you seem to be a clock watcher. I've worked at a few jobs where I "worked with" a clock watcher. It was more of a "work around" situation. Sometimes that included the Boss. Which was real hard to do. As "Top O' Hat" you have certain responsibilities. Either do your job, or get the fuck out of the way.
White Phone# 202-456-1111
White House Contact Page

PS. Ron Paul , my 1st pick would of had all the Bastards in jail by now.

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